
Oral Anglais
Group creation
Jeoffrey, Emmanuel and me, Thomas, met two years and a half ago, and since this date, we share passions as sports, and especially for football. What’s more, we both want to become journalists when we’ll grow up. That4s we chose the theme about press.
Prompted by the great friendship between us, we decided to work together for the TPE, hoping that our strong ties would help us to realize the best project as possible, by making the sum of our motivations and respective qualities. Amongst them, we can cite our ability to work efficiently together and also our sense of analysis. Individually speaking, Emmanuel proved his science in documentary research in the CDI, while Jeoffrey’s informatic knowledge was extremely precious for the website design. As for me, I could help my partners, I hope usefully, with my writing quality.
The subject’s contribution
The phenomenon of free press is quite recent, that’s why we thought it was important to treat it seriously and with application. We understood, through our works, the different gears of press, as funding and its commercial strategy. Moreover, the different opinions of personalities as Christine Ockrent, or the development of the poll showed us the diversity of opinion about free press. Our reflection about the problem called us to be critic and to have a gift for summing things up. That led us to make our own conclusion: free press and paying press can live together.
The design of the TPE showed us the extent of the work we’ll have to make with the view to product a good project. This experience will be beneficial for each member of the group for our higher studies, for which we’ll have to be very rigorous for our works or files. Through the project’s design, we could improve our ability to work in group. Thus, we’ll strong enough when we’ll have to work with others in an enterprise.